• Service


Accordind to the specifications of our clients, Nirrau searchs for eletronic parts and eletronic products in chinese reliable industries. That way, all Nirrau customers  will be able to know the chinese market with access to companies that provides reliable products, competitive prices, without import its products.



Nirrau works for the total satisfaction of all its costumers. So, you can be sure the you will recive exactlly what you have bought. Nirrau will be sure that your purchase order was understood and will go check in the facilites if the products really matches your parameters. Nirrau performs a series of evaluations, since thecnical specifications until package specifications, to guarantee the right quantity and the right price.


Nirrau can help companies who are used to buy from more than one chinese supplier with multiples shipments. Nirrau can consolidate your orders, decreasing the transportation and importation costs.
